Saturday, August 9, 2008

Blogging Hiatus, Updates, and More....

I'm not so presumptuous as to assume that anyone out there is saddened by my lack of posts over the last month! It only takes a cursory glance at the lack of comments to realize that this blog doesn't have a wide readership. But hey, it's all for fun. Or, in the words of the great M.C. Hammer, "It's all good!"

For those few and precious ones that do periodically glance in this direction, let me update you on what's going on. The lack of posts is primarily due to a lack of time. This summer has been crazy as I get things ready for the move to Connecticut in a few weeks. I've been searching for an apartment, doing the prerequisite paperwork, and picking up hours at work to make some dough before the move. Additionally, I've been grading for a summer Greek class, and more recently, beginning the packing process.

That being said, I'm really excited about the future, especially what can and should be going on at this blog. I hope to start making daily links to other blogs, particularly those with a bend toward biblical studies. Additionally, I'll be blogging heavily about the move and about my experiences at YDS (Yale Divinity School). The goal/mission of this blog is to disseminate information about my research interests. Once the fall semester gets underway, I'll be posting more of my thoughts and condensing papers and journal abstracts. Expect a heavy does of 2nd Temple Judaism, the Gospel of Matthew, and 1 Enoch. I'm trying to learn more about Greco-Roman historiography, so I'm trying to get into a class on Herodotus. It depends on how well I can catch up on Classical Greek.

I've been getting tons of questions about why I'm leaving DTS and moving toward a more ecumenical, "liberal," education. Eventually I'll start a series of posts about this, with a focus on explaining the reasons for the move and giving some insight, albeit limited, into how we as evangelicals (in the broad sense of the word) can expand our mission and think outside the box.