Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Shifting Gears

A while back I promised that this blog would become more "academic" and less about trivial ramblings. On the heels of last night, I too promise change!

The rub of it all is that this semester has been an incredible adjustment. I've been challenged spiritually and academically in ways that, frankly, I haven't been before and probably desperately need! Things will undoubtedly remain hectic, and at times confusing, but blogging has proven therapeutic and a great way to engage in critical interaction with the blogging community. 

A couple of academic projects in the works:

1) Communal boundaries & "benefaction" language in the Matthean community.
2) Socio-rhetorical function of the "young & old" in 4 Maccabees.
3) Gift-giving in Greek novels.
4) Morality in Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. This one is for fun, but I'm aiming to present a comparison between the novel & the historical reception of the Sermon on the Mount.

I'm aiming to get a couple of book reviews up soon from my seminar under Dale Martin. I'd love to start with Rupke's work on Roman religion.

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