Friday, November 14, 2008

When you read something boring

It's brilliantly gray and foggy outside. You can see your breath with every step you take, and the old gothic buildings never looked any cooler. Top it of with some hot coffee at the on-campus Bucks, and you're good to go! Oh, and the dullest material you'll ever come across.

This leads me to a survey that only fellow biblical studies nerds can appreciate. Right now I'm reading an article on Galen & ancient medical practices. Misery loves company. With that in mind, what's the dullest material you've ever read when studying the ancient world? I'm thinking the qualifier here is that it should date between 200 BCE -400 CE. There's lots to choose from, so have it.

My first vote (calling it a choice would be far too generous!) is the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, specifically the Corn Dole records. I wanted to chew a spoon.

Oh, and you can't vote for anything TC related because I think TC is pretty cool even if most people find it ridiculously boring and/or trivial.

1 comment:

Jason said...

You have very practical areas of study.